Friday, July 27, 2007

fiones loves to blog! it's true.

i hope everyone is doing well! i hope to hear from more people on this, but it's totally ok if people aren't enjoying it...

today, i cut off most of my hair, after being inspired by short-haired teets & gordon. i may need some evening out by a friend, since i cut it pretty short, and can't really see how it looks in the back...

sara is off to iowa on sunday! to work for the john edwards ['08] campaign! woo! harrison, kristine and myself drove out to hudson, ny to meet up with sara and matt last night for some dinner and catch-up chats. it was nice. we saw bill the eight pound bunny again! =)

it is officially track season in saratoga. people are everywhere! especially price chopper supermarket[s]! love it!

i have been corresponding via email with colin w., who is living in geneseo for the summer. we have a bunch of ideas of stuff we want to do next semester/year. it's nice to think about. =)

i know i still have a month left of my summer, but it is crazy to think it's going to be august soon- i have had such a lovely time so far, i feel very lucky.

i am super sleepy. goodnight. i miss you all so much.
all my love. <3

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