Thursday, August 16, 2007

It has come to my attention that I do, in fact, have eyebrows

Last night, I made a grave mistake.
Being one of 2 colorblind members of my household (once, my dad inadvertantly bought a hot pink power cord for the firehouse he is chief of, and was promptly and continuously berated by the other firefighters for his introduction of such girlishness into their manly space. My dad's comment: I thought it was orange), I typically have little to no input on the color of my hair at any given time. I may make bold statements such as "I want to go red" or "I think I want a little darker brown", but in the end, it is up to my sister and mother to decide what will look best on my head and/or when my hair "looks like crap" and needs to be "fixed" immediately. Last night was one of these nights.
Deciding on a chocolatey brown (how can you ever go wrong with chocolate, I thought. BOY WAS I WRONG), we set about our business. When all was said and done, not only did I end up looking like morticia/a middle school goth, but my sister had decided to also dye my naturally blonde eyebrows and I looked pretty much like groucho marx. The ensuing plucking (I am not a girl, and have never, until this point, had my eyebrows plucked) was enough to cause tremendous strings of obscenities flow from my mouth, and make me feel as if my eyes were bleeding.

All in all, it's been a trying week.

So all of you who didn't know, I'm moving to connecticut tomorrow (yes, tomorrow!) to get my apartment set up and start graduate school at the university of connecticut for speech language pathology. Sounds very exciting and all, but right now I'm just looking around at the cyclone that is my room and wondering "do I really need to bring this floppy hat, this pillow with cats on it, this lump of green silly putty?" and the glamour of picking up and moving to a new state/new life is pretty much lost.

I've had an amazzzzing summer though. For one, I went to europe and backpacked around a bit, which was overall a really awesome experience. If you're bored and feel like reading some blog entries about it, my friends and I kept up a travel blog at Since then I've been visiting people every weekend, working with special ed. kids (an eternally crazy experience where I'm alternately bitten, asked where babies come from, forced to chase kids trying to run into rivers to "be with the beavers", and informed that my butt "moves back and forth" when I walk by young developmentally disabled children every day), and having a ton of sweet adventures with those capital region kids, Fiona Murray, Harrison Watkins and Matt Lapennas! I was also lucky enough to catch Taryn, Em, and Sara on their visit to camp murray, and to meet Bill the 8 lb bunny not once but TWICE. Let me tell you, that rabbit is impressive.

Despite my horror at beginning the whole grad school thing, I'm kind of excited to go on to the next step. Everyone keep blogging and I'll try and keep up with this thing as well now that I've started! Love you and peace out, cub scouts
