Saturday, August 4, 2007

Sweating Bullets and Failing Tests

Hello Everybody,

It has been hot hot hot here and I have been feeling muy caliente (and not in a good way). Some highlights of my life overt he past few weeks have definitely been hanging out with Emily, Harrison, Kristine, Sara, Taryn, and Fiona one weekend and then being with Harrison, Fiona, and Kristine a couple more times. Yay for being in the capital district vicinity. I also feel compelled to expand on fiona's comment that a bird pooped on her at lake george. After the aforementioned avian bombardment, Fiona was convinced that it was me dropping sunscreen on here out in the lake (??), so she started rubbing the excrement onto her arm like a goof. I think that I thought this was way funnier than anyone else did, but maybe someone reading this will share five year old, bathroom sense of humor.

I also read the new Harry Potter book and that shit was poppin'!! I guess that I mainly have been working a lot. I usually feel pretty burned out at the end of the day, so I don't do anything besides make myself dinner and watch a movie, read, or make a phone call or two. On the weekends I have been playing soccer every sunday afternoon with a bunch of people at the local Waldorf school. There is an 85 year old poet and ex-Congressional candidate during the Vietnam War. Apparently, in this district at that time both the Dems and Republicans were pro-Vietnam, so he ran as a third party member and just gave them both a lot of shit for being pro-war. Then there are also little kids who play with us, so there is quite an age range. It is always really fun and the last couple weeks we have gone swimming afterwards and then we eat some ice cream. Good, wholesome, all-american summer fun.

I also failed my road test on Thursday. It was a pretty spectacular failure. I messed up the parallel parking by hitting the curb and it was all downhill from there. Once I hit the curb my heart jsut starting racing I turned into an idiot. I guess that I should have been more prepared because I only have driven about 5 times this whole summer. After I messed up the parallel parking, the examiner asked me how many times I had practiced parking and I honestly repeild that I had practiced twice. I don't think that she was impressed.... Later in the test I couldn't really see at an intersection because there was a car parked on the corner, so I just kind of pulled out a little too far and a car had to brakea little. That was the end of the test, so I didn't even finish it. The examiner jsut told me "That was bad" when I had my second mistake. Oh well, I have made it to the age of 22 without a liscense, so one more month will not hurt me. SO Colleen we still have non-driver solidarity for a little while. I have to go water some plants because we need some rain pretty badly. ttfn.

love, Matt


cievenn said...

dear matt,
although it's disappointing you did not get your license, i won't deny that our bond is stronger because of our lack in license and our preference for two wheels and/or two feet instead.

(we are a covalent bond)
i miss you.


whitney said...

Matt! I know which 85 year old soccer-playing poet you speak of! I love him, have you made it to the book barn yet and bought some of his books?

Next time you're around the farm, ask someone where the book barn isn't if you haven't been there...

Oh, I miss that place and I'm all excited thinking of you playing soccer with that group!!!!