Thursday, August 2, 2007

we had a show last night in oswego, and played in a small garage with about 30 kids standing around us.
we were all sweating tons but its probably the most fun ive had at a show. i
finally feel like we are all a part of this band equally. i just wish summer wasn't so close to ending so we could play more in places like this, where everyone just wants to be exactly where they are.

my iowa cousins are coming up and we might all go to new york city together.
so in other words, i might just have to quit my job at the K.

my mother made banana bread this morning, so i should go see how that's coming along.

dancing at the bugjar tonight (wish you all were here)



fiona said...

i'm glad your show went well!
play again! be happy that you had a lovely summer with your band!

wish i was dancing with you! soon enough, m'love!
miss you. <3

H-Bomb? said...

you never got to wear a vest...