Saturday, September 15, 2007

the clouds are flowing by so fast...

hey all,

it's a beautiful day in geneseo, new york!
the sun woke me up around 7:30 this morning, so i've been up and about gettin' stuff done, which is good.

my mom [eileen] just called. she's workin' hard for the primary election in saratoga. it was super nice to talk to her.

i really would like to go rent a movie today. i think i will. Quest to wegmans!

things are going well since i last posted. super busy. we started class raps this week. tabled. got attacked by chip. tried to get in touch with those running the "campus-wide voter registration drive" on monday, but they have not been getting back to me. yesterday colin, colleen, tim, lamron sean and i went to a democratic fundraiser. it was fun. talked it up with judith, connie, the usuals. collen & i also got to talk to this geneseo alum. who graduated in '68, and moved back here. he was tellin' us all these great stories of things he and his buddies used to do-- huge parade floats down main st., ice sculptures in the winter, giant bonfires with songs! he was lovin' it (and so was i!)

at infoSHARE on sunday, we'll be talking a bunch about ideas for the community garden. colin got to schmooze it up with a bunch of old ladies at the fundraiser. they knew a lot about gardening, so that's good news!

sept. 21st is the international day of peace-- remember, i always wanted everyone to watch 'peace one day' with me? well, there's going to be a vigil that night, and FARI's also having a big event right before, which should be really exciting! it's going to have a forum, discussion and singing! yay!

so, i'm taking this class on congress, and we have to register for the program called 'legsim'- it's basically a virtual congress- ooo! we all have to pick a district to represent, and then write up a bill and be on committees, etc. etc. but yesterday in class, we had to select a speaker of the house. i obviously had no desire to do such a thing, but once we were about to think of a way of electing one, i look up at the board and see that five males have written their names. i turn to the guy sitting next to me dan (tall, actor, funny) and say "ugh! there's no woman running!" and he says "well, you have to do it." so i walk up, put my name on the board and give an awkward speech on how i do not know anyone in the class, because i am not chummy at all with the polisci kids, and how i do not like talking about myself at all. surprisingly i made it to the top three & won the plurality and it ended up coming down to my old high school nemesis and myself. he won, which is totally fine, because i know very little about congressional appointments etc., but the whole thing was still super funny!

last night, colleen & i went to the brodie computer lab and took a bunch of pictures on apple's photo booth-- it was fun! except for those creepy fish-eye pictures!
examples can be seen above.
she makes me so happy. <3

so, alisa & i went to main moon the other day. see, she was supposed to give a club rap to the geneseo chinese culture club, but she was thirty minutes late and also forgot voter registration forms! funny thing though, she ended up staying and is now a card carrying member! for real though-- she has a card that gets her 10% off at main moon! =)

i'm super happy! everyone's been so wonderful! yeah, things are busy, but i've been trying really hard to take advantage of those few hours every day when i should be reading/writing and instead go and visit people or dance around in my kitchen to the song that reminds me of emily. gaby HATES the song, but i love gaby! today's her first rugby game, she was so nervous!
everything's good though. life is good. i'm good!


p.s.-- onto my own post!
i just rode my bike over to coll's, and it was so weird, because it felt like judith hunter campaign season outside! the wind/coldness/fallness. it was nice.

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